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  • Writer's pictureBrandon Harvey

All Saints Day: The Favorite Saints of the EI Instructors

November 1st is the Solemnity of All Saints. All Saints Day, All Hallows Day, has Halloween as its vigil; the vigil of All Hallows Eve (Halloween) has gone through alterations within our culture. All Saints Day is a solemn celebration, and a Holy Day of Obligation to attend Mass, that remembers and honors all the saints of heaven. These are not only the saints we have feast days for but everyone in heaven, because everyone in heaven is a saint. On All Saints Day we remember all those joyfully beholding the face of God for eternity. The saints, everyone in heaven, are also our heavenly intercessors (cf. Rev. 8:3-4).

all saints day image

Most Catholics have saints that occupy a special place in their faith journey. This is never the place of worship and adoration reserved to God alone. The Evangelium Institute would like to share the favorite saints of our instructors. Maybe you will discover new saints to surround yourself with, “since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses” (Heb. 12:1). Deacon Omar Gutiérrez

  • Saint Augustine of Hippo- Like me, he was a devout Catholic while his father was not, and his conversion was originally an intellectual one that eventually became emotional.

  • Saint Ignatius of Loyola- He is one of my favorites because of his Spanish background and because of his zeal that was born of a realization of the emptiness of his life before Christ coupled to his desire to be a great servant of the king.

  • Saint Peter the Apostle- St. Simon Peter had frequent fumbles and missteps that resulted in a humility that allowed him to be used by the Lord for great good.

Dr. Keith Jiron

  • Saint Joseph- It was not until a few years ago when I agreed to lead a discussion on Saint Joseph that I realized how little I knew about him. Since that time, I have grown ever closer to this saint who can relate to family life and all its blessings and challenges. Plus, the Immaculate Mother Mary accompanies him.

  • Saint Joseph Cupertino- This saint has been a good friend over the years, especially throughout my graduate studies. On several circumstances, he has come to my aid in astounding ways.

  • Saint Manuel González García- St. Manuel’s Mariological writings were the inspiration for my dissertation, and I feel called to bring his treasury of insights to others. He also has beautiful writings on the Eucharist. He was a bishop of Spain in the first part of the 20th Century and became known as the Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle.

Deacon Peter Kennedy

  • Saint Michael- As a child, I often found myself attracted to St. Michael. Beyond the really cool iconography and a certain fascination with angels, I always found myself drawn to the idea of emulating him as a fighter of evil, a protector of other people, and a doer of good deeds. I chose him as my Confirmation saint and still have recourse to him often.

  • Saint Mary, Mother of God- From my earliest years, I have always held a deep devotion to the Blessed Mother. She has been integral to all of my various moments of deeper conversion and has remained closest to me in my greatest trials. Of all the saints, she is most certainly the one with whom I hold the closest personal relationship.

  • Saint Maxamilian Kolbe- I was introduced to this saint as a teenager when I was forced to write a paper on him (which I did reluctantly). I found a kindred spirit in him with his Polish heritage, his love of chastity, and his devotion to Mary. Over the years he has become a great teacher to me, helping me to grow closer to the Blessed Mother and her Son.

Dr. Brandon Harvey

  • Saint Thomas More- Originally, I was drawn solely to the fact that he was willing to die a martyr’s death in order to remain faithful to the Catholic Church and the Lord’s teachings on marriage. I have come to also be inspired by the fact that he was a layman, a husband and father, and founded a school that included the classics.

  • Saint John Paul II- His approach to evils in the world and cultural struggles often felt like the difference between a man that runs from a burning building for safety and a man that runs toward a burning building to help. I am always inspired by his courageous fidelity to truth, goodness, and beauty.

  • Saint Margaret Clitherow- I became initially interested in her because she is my wife’s Confirmation saint. Like my wife, she was an adult convert to Catholicism from Protestantism, a wife, and a mother; she even accepted martyrdom because she refused to cease spreading the faith. Her courage, faithfulness, and family vocation remind me of my own saintly bride.

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