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In 2013 Archbishop George J. Lucas invited Holy Family School of Faith in the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas to start to work with Catholic school teachers in the Archdiocese of Omaha as part of the Ignite the Faith Campaign. Starting with Dr. Keith Jiron, and with Dcn. Omar Gutiérrez as a part-time instructor, School of Faith’s work expanded from that time on. However, in January 2019 School of Faith decided not to renew its contract with the Archdiocese of Omaha.

Dcn. Omar Gutiérrez and Dr. Keith Jiron decided that this work was too important to end, so they founded the Evangelium Institute (EI) in March of 2019 to continue to work with the Archdiocese of Omaha in her Catholic schools. Since that founding, EI has maintained its efforts in the schools and expanded into other areas.


Our work is not just about passing on information but about connecting people to Jesus Christ and His Church, and the fruit our work over the years has been a great blessing to all of us at EI.


In this work we seek to bring a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith to Catholic school teachers, those in deacon formation, college students, catechists, and other interested adults.


EI staff provides formation in the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as Spiritual Formation and practical applications, with an emphasis on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and an encouragement towards personal prayer. In addition to our dynamic presentations, we offer retreats, small group formation, bible study, and optional spiritual direction. Especially for our work in Catholic schools, EI staff seeks to create and foster an atmosphere where our teachers can speak about and share their faith with their colleagues, students, and those they meet in their everyday lives.

Our Story: About Us
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