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F.A.R. is a speaker series for teens who are searching for a greater depth of knowledge with regard to their faith. Many teenagers have deep questions about the faith that simply cannot be answered in a compelling way by searching the internet or by asking a question at youth group.

EI brings in experts on certain topics and taps into our own staff's knowledge in order to present on timely topics of faith with the application of church teaching and reason.

All of our F.A.R. events will take place at the St. John Paull II Newman Center located on the UNO Campus.

Dates & Topics

There's a lot of noise out in the world today, and it can be very hard - if not, downright CONFUSING - for teenagers to get a grasp on who they are and why they are that way.  That's why our F.A.R. topics for this year are based around on the idea of "Finding My Identity."

Who Are the People Around Me?

Relating to Others

I have lots of “friends” on social media, but I barely know some of them.  What is genuine friendship and how do I know who really is or isn’t my friend?  How would my life be different if I marry a Catholic vs a non-Catholic?  Does it matter what my friends believe?

Speaker: Dcn. Peter Kennedy


Tickets are $15 per person. In order to keep one family from having to pay a large sum, we are capping the ticket price at $30 for a family.  If you are purchasing tickets for 2-6 people in the same family, please select the Family Ticket option (Quantity: 1) and it will cover up to six people within the same family.  Keep in mind, these sessions are intended for those age 13-18 and their parents. Some of the material covered might not be appropriate for younger ages.

Safe Environment Certified? Attend for FREE!

If you are over the age of 18, have your Safe Environment Certification and would like to attend this event for free, then volunteer as a chaperone! All you have to do is help with escorting kids to the correct room inside the building and stay for the presentation.

Volunteers will receive a refund on their ticket purchase after the event takes place.

Thanks for your interest in volunteering! Please complete your registration and we will be in touch with you about specifics for the event and your refund.

Previous Topics...

We try to keep the topics for F.A.R. relevant and relatable to today's teens and present them in a way that embodies our Catholic beliefs and teaching. Here are some of the topics we've covered previously:

  • How To Make Sense of Suffering and Pain

  • Discerning Vocations

  • How We Can Be Certain that Catholicism is the True Faith

  • How We Ought to Appreciate the Genius of our God-given Bodies

  • What the Church Teaches about the Bible and Evolution

  • What the Overturning of Roe Means for Us Going Forward

  • How Does the Church Investigate Miracles

Got an idea for a topic? Let us know!

We would love to hear your ideas regarding good topics to hit on for future F.A.R. events!  Submit your ideas using the form below.

Thank you for submitting!

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